Can RipRap Help My Waterfront Property?
What is RipRap?
Riprap is a layer of loose rocks that is used to cover a shoreline and protect it from water erosion. The rocks are typically a crushed granite material, varying in sizes. As waves come crashing in, slowly over time they will begin to erode the shoreline back and disturb it’s look. By covering a shoreline with riprap, it creates a natural look that prevents water from washing soil and sand away. The construction process begins by laying out a mesh layer of geotextile fabric to prevent soil from seeping back into the water. Then, the shoreline is covered with large rocks of crushed granite, typically supplied by your local quarry, to prevent the water from crashing into the soil. Overall, the installation process for riprap will not disturb the environment.
Why Do I Need RipRap?
While riprap is great for aesthetic reasons, it’s main use is to prevent water erosion. There are many options for preventing water erosion, but riprap is the cheapest and most natural option. The biggest factor when determining if riprap is the right solution for your land is the slope and natural look. If your land isn’t too steep, such as a 2:1 slope where the land rises every 2 feet for every foot it goes back, or if you want to maintain the natural look of the terrain then riprap is the best option.
RipRap vs Seawall
The two choices that Deaton’s Waterfront Services offers for managing your shoreline are riprap and seawalls. Seawalls offer much more protection against shoreline erosion, but the construction method is also more intensive on the land. Heavy machinery such as an excavator are going to need to terraform your land into the right position then drive metal sheet panels into the ground. Seawalls are also more expensive than riprap due to the construction costs. If you’re looking for a budget method to protect your shoreline, riprap is the best way to go.
Deaton’s Waterfront Services has an expert coastal management team that ensures to protect shorelines from water erosion. We will come out and inspect your property to determine the best solution for you, free of charge. If you’re interested in protecting your investment from erosion, feel free to reach out to us or give our office a call at (317)747-4933.