Shoreline Stabilization
Creating a shoreline stabilization sounds super easy? Right.
However it can be extremely labor intensive and require specialty equipment. Special heavy duty equipment can be brought in to reinforce the embankment. This can be established by installing steel sheet piling along the exposed area, or providing a layer of protection with rip rap.
Depending on the body of water and location, it could come down to the lake authority for the permitting to make sure the proposed solution will be in compliance with the waterfront regulations.
“What’s to gain from Shoreline Stabilization?”
There is a lot to gain from Shoreline Stabilization. Throughout the entire United States waterfront property is always more expensive per acre in comparison to property with zero waterfrontage. Therefore erosion control is protecting your investment. No more loss of property due to erosion.
Erosion of a shoreline can happen from numerous aspects most commonly from waves crashing into the shoreline, as this occurs it begins to undermine the foundation of the shoreline. Thus causing the bank to not be stable. When a bank is unstable its not safe and unusable.
There are several different ways to “shore” up a shoreline. The two most common ways that Deaton’s Waterfront Services suggests is to utilize rip rap limestone, or steel sheet piling.
The rip rap method consists of using 3-5” large size rocks to completely cover the exposed areas on the shoreline. Doing this allows the waves to physically break on the rocks and not be able to come in contact with the bank. This allows for a short-term solution to any waterfront owners shoreline stabilization. This method can last 2-5 seasons depending on the grade and the wave volume.
The steel sheet piling method consists of using a 7 gauge engineered panel that comes in lengths of 24”. We will install this panel using the 50/50 formula. This accounts for however much panel is out of the lake bed will need to have that much into the lake bed. For instance a 12’ seawall panel will need to be installed at least 6’ into the bottom of the lake bed. Then after installing the enforcements, and top cap you will have a lifelong solution for your erosion control.
Be sure to call Deaton’s Waterfront Services if you would like any more information pertaining to design, permitting, or estimates on erosion control. Our email is, and phone number is 317.747.4933. By: _RUN_PMD_